失眠的晚上很難渡過,可以選擇的話,寧願大哭一場, 哭累了還可倒頭大睡介乎於無感覺與傷心之間的感覺很奇怪,令人感覺很不安今天晚上遇見的得著是,我仍不可以,上帝給我這次的考驗, 又"肥佬"了可以不補考嗎?
My Best Friend's Wedding
朋友結婚的消息,又使我屢屢沉醉於奇異的幻想當中,朋友的婚禮會是怎麼樣的呢?是熱鬧的、歡樂的、還是平凡的卻又帶點深刻動人呢?知道朋友比較喜歡那種外國式的,平淡得來卻又溫馨細膩的感覺不如在婚禮上,跟所有來賓一同唱些愉快輕鬆的歌?!忽然想起一齣曾經很喜歡的電影「My Best Friend's Wedding」裡面有首好喜歡的歌「I say a little prayer」急忙的將那套VCD放出來看。My Best Friend's Wedding......最好的「朋友」的婚禮......如果要出席這樣的「Best Friend's」 Wedding,一個介乎於朋友與情人之間的「最好的朋友」的婚禮,感覺會如何? 會像 Julia Roberts 一?,企圖將心愛的、卻屬於別人的新郎搶回來嗎?如果雙方有緣份,有愛,又何須等到最後一刻才醒覺?情人知己,結局都註定是這樣子其實,不想在一起的,又何謂「情人」?無法分享所有「喜樂」分擔「憂傷」的(尤其在感情上的),又何謂「知己」??什麼「情人知己」?? 都是騙人的吧!!楊千嬅與鄭中基,最終還不是變成「兄妹」!無論如何,I Say A Little Pray For You...........The moment I wake upBefore I put on my makeupI say a little prayer for youWhile combing my hairAnd wondering what dress to wearI say a little prayer for youForever forever you'll stay in my heart And I will love youForever forever we never will part Oh, how I'll love youTogether together that's how it must be To live without youWould only be heartbreak for meI run for the bus, dearWhile riding I think of us, dearI say a little prayer for youAt work, I just take time And all through my coffee break-timeI say a little prayer for youForever forever you'll stay in my heart And I will love youForever forever we never will part Oh, how I'll love youTogether, together, that's how it must be To live without youWould only be heartbreak for meI say a little prayer for you I say a little prayer for youForever, forever, you'll stay in my heart And I will love youForever, forever we never will part Oh, how I'll love youTogether, together, that's how it must be To live without youWould only be heartbreak for meMy darling, believe me For me there is no one But you........